Medical Illustration and Informatics Other Major

Description: A program that prepares individuals to apply the principles and techniques of art and computer-assisted imaging, graphics, and animation to create visual materials to facilitate the recording and dissemination of biomedical knowledge for educational, research, and clinical purposes. Includes instruction in anatomy, physiology, pathology, histology, embryology, neuroanatomy, medical terminology, artistic media and techniques, illustration techniques, three-dimensional modeling, prosthetics, data display design, exhibit design and production, medical photography, multimedia, computer graphics and animation, digital imaging, business management, production technology, and instructional design. Is Medical Illustration and Informatics Other the right major for you?
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Medical Illustration and Informatics Other Major

What Courses Do Medical Illustration and Informatics Other Majors Take?

The required and elective courses you would take for Medical Illustration and Informatics Other majors vary considerably among institutions. Courses are listed here that are illustrative of the breadth of topics you are likely to experience were you to major in this field.

What other majors are related to Medical Illustration and Informatics Other?