Yarder Operator Career

*A job as a Yarder Operator falls under the broader career category of Logging Equipment Operators. The information on this page will generally apply to all careers in this category but may not specifically apply to this career title.

Job Description for Logging Equipment Operators : Drive logging tractor or wheeled vehicle equipped with one or more accessories, such as bulldozer blade, frontal shear, grapple, logging arch, cable winches, hoisting rack, or crane boom, to fell tree; to skid, load, unload, or stack logs; or to pull stumps or clear brush. Includes operating stand-alone logging machines, such as log chippers.

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Logging Equipment Operator Career

What Should I Major in to Become a Logging Equipment Operator?

These college majors are closest related to this career (actual program names will vary from school to school).

Required Education

Some High School usually needed for this career