Guided Missile Launching System Maintenance Technician Career

*A job as a Guided Missile Launching System Maintenance Technician falls under the broader career category of Artillery and Missile Crew Members. The information on this page will generally apply to all careers in this category but may not specifically apply to this career title.

Job Description for Artillery and Missile Crew Members : Target, fire, and maintain weapons used to destroy enemy positions, aircraft, and vessels. Field artillery crew members predominantly use guns, cannons, and howitzers in ground combat operations, while air defense artillery crew members predominantly use missiles and rockets. Naval artillery crew members predominantly use torpedoes and missiles launched from a ship or submarine. Duties include testing, inspecting, and storing ammunition, missiles, and torpedoes; conducting preventive and routine maintenance on weapons and related equipment; establishing and maintaining radio and wire communications; and operating weapons targeting, firing, and launch computer systems.

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Artillery and Missile Crew Member Career

What Should I Major in to Become a Artillery and Missile Crew Member?

These college majors are closest related to this career (actual program names will vary from school to school).